Canbet Offers an Unprecedented 25% Loss Rebate

First to offer the service in the United Kingdom whatsoever, Canbet offers a 25% rebate on losses. This means that each month, all bettors who show a net loss in their account will be granted a cashback rebate of 25% of the loss amount.

Why does Canbet offer the rebate?

Canbet wagers that you can win. At Canbet, they would not provide a service that was guaranteed to hurt customers. Canbet believes in the winning power of their customers. In fact, it is proven. The Canbet success rate is exceptional; customers have earned incredible payout by sticking with them. Canbet knows that soon enough you will be making money on your own.



Canbet cares about bringing customers back. Canbet understands the irresistible urge of easy money and they want to share that feeling with their customers as often as possible. On a rough month, Canbet customers can get a little reprieve as an incentive to return. Canbet enjoys inviting customers back for more.

Canbet understands the importance of money. While some Canbet customers are high-rollers who can afford a loss, others are hopeful businesspeople, homeowners, parents, and people who need money. At Canbet, they know sometimes the race doesn’t go your way but that doesn’t mean everything has to suffer.

Canbet can. As a nearly twenty-year-old, successful company, Canbet does not need to pick on individual men and women in order to rise to the top. Their proven success as customer service gurus and industry pioneers makes money for Canbet. This success allows the company to focus on helping you drive your own winnings.

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